A pretty table for Mother


If you are thinking of treating your loved ones this #Mothers day. Set seasonal flowers in jugs or pretty jars, better still crystal vases if you have them.  For spring flowers look for pastel roses, daffodils, bluebells ethically sourced of course!, violas, crocus look great in teacups as do hyacinths,  we also love to put forsythia and spring cherry blossom and pussy willows in large vases (Please be careful as some plants are poisonous and so place out of reach of children


Next is the table

Cutlery should be cleaned and placed either at each table setting or put in pretty jam jars or tied with ribbons or hessian

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Use crisp linens, bare wood, vintage tablecloths, pretty tray cloths or tea towels to create individual table settings.

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Pick your theme and then blend together to create a stylish table

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Happy Mothers day x


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